Thursday, January 28, 2010

Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Hello all!

This post is just going to be a quickie post mainly because it's 2am and I am sleepy!!!

As most of you know I love to cook! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE TO COOK! I recently got a friend into bento-making and it made me decide to start back up again. (Bento: Japanese lunchbox) So I spent some of the night cooking up something tasty and here it is!~

Top Compartment: Dates, Cucumbers, Carrots, Sweet & Savory Tuna.
Bottom Compartment: Almonds, Tuna stuffed Onigiri, and Spinach Omlette.

Yum yum I can't wait to dig into this!

To see some insanely cool bentos check out this site!


Or if you would like to purchase your own bento check out this one!

Lastly if you don't live near an Asian food store here is an awesome website that offers a great selection of groceries!

That's all for today!!!!

Night all!


Sunday, January 24, 2010


"The small conference room was filled to the brim with middle-aged men and smelled slightly of cheetos and cola with a distinct tinge of body odor. Their eyes all glanced towards me as I clicked the latch on the door comfortably back into place. I made my way to the nearest empty seat next to a rather large man who was wearing a t-shirt that was a few sizes too small for him. On his shirt I could see a few of the monsters which I later identified as numbers #39 and #59. I began to run the stats in my head:

#39 Jigglypuff, Special attack: Sing, Found on Route 115.

#59 Arcanine, Special attack: Fire Flash, Evolves from Growlithe by use of the Fire Stone......

'Sir?' said a disembodied voice from somewhere back in the real world. I realized that the gentleman at the front of the room, pointing his laser pointer to a slide that shone up on the wall, was talking to me. 'And your name is?' said the man.
'Zack' I replied
'Well mister Zack you know how these meetings work don't you?'
'But of course' This, after all, was not my first meeting with this group.
'Well then you know that an introduction is mandatory along with an admission of your problem, after all how are we supposed to help you if you can't admit you have a problem?'
I begrudgingly got up out of my chair and looked around the room at the other members and finally got up the courage to speak and proudly stated:

'Hello, my name is Zack and I'm a Poké-holic.'"

*GASP! Woah that was a crazy dream......*

Hello all! Yes as you guessed it my name is Zack, also as you've most likely guessed I have a slight obsession with Pokémon. However, this blog is not just about this.... it's mostly not about this.... OKAY FINE! It's 1/16th not about this. I do enjoy many other things in life and hopefully I will get to post some of those here for your delicate eyes to read.

Those voluptuous, sensual, fondleable eyes.....

Ummmmm........ yeah.....

Anyways, I have started up using my Youtube account to post video journals and hopefully this blog will be able to go hand in hand with that. All I have so far is an introduction video so that is all that this will be. Just a way to say hello to you all.




P.S. Click me for Zack's Awesome-tastic first video~!